For filling up of regular and backlog vacancies in the executive and non-executive cadres, action was taken to conduct recruitment tests and selections were made on the basis of merit and AP Rules of Reservation as issued by Govt.of Telangana from time to time. In all fairness, selections are being held giving total weightage to accuracy and transparency. Entire process of recruitment is being carried almost totally on computer and the procedures being followed are fool-proof and the results are announced on the same day. Besides the recruitment of personnel, the Recruitment Cell analyses the matters to be put up to Telangana Legislature Committees on Welfare of Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribes/BCs and also National Commission for SCs and STs. The Reservation Roster Registers in respect of appointment of various categories are being maintained. The Recruitment Cell is also taking necessary steps for arranging Walk-in-Interviews to fill up Medical Specialist vacancies. Special Drive recruitments are also taken up for filling up of the backlog SC/ST vacancies. It is also to be noted that for conducting a recruitment test on a large scale like that of Welfare Officer Trainee, a lot of preparatory work, right from the stage of issue of circular to the stage of offering appointment to the selected candidates, has been undertaken by Recruitment Cell officials. It is heartening to note that not withstanding the large number of candidates aspiring for employment in the Company, all efforts are being taken to ensure error-free conduct of written test and without any scope for leakage of question papers, copying or unfair practices in the evaluation of answer sheets. In fact, the whole process has been computerised minimising the human intervention to the bare minimum. |