
Area Purchase Tenders

Material Procurement
Click on link provided at Tender notice no. to view the document PDF     
Tender notice Name of the work Enquiry Date .Closing.Date.


MN124O0135    Deployment of 01 No Non AC 2 WD Hard top Jeep with 24 hours availability per day and 2000 km run per month for MNGOC, Manuguru Area for a period of 03 Years under unit Rate System- Reg (UID 10214)   19-Dec-2024 25-Mar-2025
MN124O0147    Deployment of 01 No of Non AC 2 WD Hard top Jeep with 24 hours availability per day and 1000 km run per month for MNGOCP, Manuguru Area for a period of 03 Years under unit Rate System- Reg (UID 10213)   25-Jan-2025 25-Mar-2025


R2124O0235    Supply of 2473 Packets of Butter Milk (each packet contains quantity of not less than 180ml) per day for a period of 91 days (approx) during summer season for Mines & Departments of RG2 Area   18-Mar-2025 07-Apr-2025