The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd.
(A Government Company)
SCCL is carrying out post-project
environmental monitoring in and around SCCL mining areas to study the impact of
mining on surrounding environment. The parameters, frequency of monitoring and standards
are being followed as per Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) Notification
GSR: 742 (E) dt. 25.09.2000.
The list of post-project environmental monitoring locations under various activities
have been identified for MoEF cleared
projects / mines and also
for associated activities like CHPs, Workshops, Power Houses, Townships and Hospitals
in order to comply with the MoEF clearance / Consent conditions.
Ambient air quality monitoring:
The concentration
of PM10, PM2.5,
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) is monitored under air quality
monitoring programme. Micro-meteorological parameters viz., Wind direction, Wind speed, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Rainfall are also being monitored in all
Mining Areas.
The standards stipulated vide MoEF Notification, GSR-742 (E), dt. 25.09.2000, are
applicable to
Work zone stations whereas National Ambient Air Quality standards, GSR-826 (E), dt. 16.11.2009 are
applicable to SCCL colonies and villages and CPCB standards are applicable for vehicular exhaust emissions.
Vehicular exhaust emissions are being
monitored in respect of Heavy Earth
Moving Machinery (HEMM) operating in opencast mines for smoke density in Hatridge Units
(%HU) and Light Absorption Coefficient (k/m).
Water quality monitoring
Water quality monitoring involves periodical assessment of quality of mine discharge water, treated workshop effluents, treated colony effluents, ground water and surface water.
Four parameters, namely,
pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Chemical Oxygen demand (COD), and Oil & Grease
(O&G) are being periodically monitored for effluents as per the Environmental Standards for coalmines,
GSR-742 (E), dt. 25.09.2000. All the parameters as given in Part-A of General Standards
for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants, GSR 801 (E) EPA 1986 prescribed by CPCB are also analyzed
for all the effluents, in addition to the above mentioned four parameters for assessing the overall quality of effluents.
Ground water quality comprising
of bore well / dug wells in nearby villages and water quality of surface water bodies is also monitored in and around mining areas to assess the impact of mining.
Surface water samples are analyzed for all the parameters as per IS-2296 and
ground water samples are analyzed for all the parameters as per IS-10500.
In addition to the above,
hospital effluents are analyzed for
pH, Total Suspended solids (TSS), Oil & Grease, Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD), Chemical Oxygen demand (COD) and Bio-Assay Test in accordance with Notification S.O.630 (E) issued by MoEF
on Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rule, 1998.
Phreatic surface level monitoring
Phreatic surface
levels are being monitored in and around mining areas during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
seasons to assess the impact of mining on ground water regime.
Noise level monitoring
Noise level monitoring is being carried
out at OCPs, U/G mines, villages nearer to OCPs, coal handling plants during day time (6.00 AM to 10.00PM) and
night time (10.00AM to 6.00PM). Ambient air
quality standards stipulated by MoEF in respect of noise vide Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and standards stipulated in MoEF Notification, GSR-742 (E),
dt. 25.09.2000 are being followed
for noise level monitoring.
Heavy metals monitoring
The coal and particulate matter are being monitored for the presence of heavy metals
such as Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, As etc.